Year 11 Information 2025

Year 11 Information 2025

The College provides many courses which meet the needs of each student. Our curriculum is adaptive and flexible, allowing for student choice and catering for interest and ability.

The College offers a rich selection of ATAR and General courses, Certificate courses, UniReady and online courses.  We also offer a range of programs in school under the banner of Vocational Education and Training (VET) including the Pre-Apprenticeship/Traineeship in Schools (PATiS) program, School-based Traineeships (SBT), and Workplace Learning (WPL). Please see our Careers & VET section for more information. 

You can find out more about courses currently offered by the College, under the Curriculum sections and in the Course Handbook. It should be noted that aside from Religious Education and English, all listed courses are offered subject to student demand.


