Our Vision For Learning
A Vision for Learning enables a school to clearly articulate a defined set of beliefs and values which underpin its story and its culture. It attempts to address three fundamental questions:
Who we are?
Why are we here?
What do we represent?
By identifying these intentions that form the basis of our practice, we provide a frame of reference about our identity for all members of our community. When a person joins our College, whether they be a student or staff member, it is anticipated that they will see who and what Nagle Catholic College represents through our Vison for Learning and seek to align themselves with these core practices and beliefs. Our Vision for Learning, ‘One Step Beyond’, articulates our beliefs and aspirations as a ‘Christ Focused, Student Centred’ College. This vision encompasses the whole person and goes beyond just the teaching and learning component of education. A Nagle Catholic College education intends to be more holistic and formative.
Catholic schools will be concerned with the development of students as responsible, inner-directed individuals of Christian virtue, capable of free choice and of making value judgements enlightened by formed Christian conscience. Catholic schools seek to help students to develop a total commitment to Christ. Bishops’ Mandate, #19
Our Vision for Learning is fundamentally a guide intended to articulate who we are, what we represent and what type of educational opportunities we provide our students - an education that supports the unique journey of every student at Nagle Catholic College.
Gen 1:3 And God said, "Let there be light, and there was light".
Our students begin their Nagle journey of discovery. We ignite their curiosity and develop a sense of belonging and identity through experiences such as: the Ignite the Flame Retreat; the Orientation Program; The Buddy Program; Christian Service Learning (CSL); Book Week Parade, Option Tasters, The Nagle Way, Friendology, Research Skills, Project Based Learning Experience, the Academic Curriculum Extension (ACE) program; Literacy Program and the READ Program.
Luke 8:16 No one lights a lamp to hide it. They place it to be seen.
Our students are developing greater confidence in their Nagle environment. We enkindle in them a greater sense of who they are through such programs as: the Light the Way Retreat; CSL; Grandparents’ Morning Tea; the Academic Curriculum Extension (ACE) program; Option choices; and the Light the Way Leadership Program.
Isaiah 58:8 Then your light shall break forth like the dawn
Our students are challenged to expand their horizons by building quality relationships and connecting with community. Through exploration and choices, our students are enabled to discover their personal strengths and identity. We foster this through such experiences as: The Shine the Light Retreat; Christian Service Learning (CSL); For Others Camp; the Academic Curriculum Extension (ACE) program and the Shine the Light Leadership Program.
Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path
Our students explore, build connection, examine future pathways and take up opportunities to thrive and flourish. We nurture in them a culture of appreciation and collaboration through programs and experiences that include: The Illuminate the Path Retreat; Nagle Care; Jumpstart; Try a Trade; the Academic Curriculum Extension (ACE) program; course/careers counselling; Just Start It; university visits; resilience building and the Illuminate the Path Leadership program.
Galatians 6:2 Help carry each other’s burden
Our students focus on making a positive difference in their own lives and the lives of others. We encourage students to develop their leadership skills and to take on responsibility through experiences such as: The Carry the Lantern Retreat and Walkathon; the Emerging Leaders Program; the Buddy Program; Nagle Care; Book Week Parade and the Charity Plan.
Matt 5:16 Let your light shine for others
Our students are preparing to undertake the next stage in their journey - independently, trusting in their own judgement, seeking guidance where necessary - so that they may shine their light and go one step beyond. We offer them experiences more commensurate with their maturity such as: the Ball; Camino Salvado; Mentoring; Seniors' Meetings; House Leadership; St Pat’s Day Games; the Charity Plan; Nagle Care and the One Step Beyond Retreat.