YEAR 7 2026
​Thank you for your interest in your child attending the College in Year 7 2026.
In Year 7, the College seeks to provide as broad an educational experience as possible for students in this transition year. Our curriculum structure is designed to facilitate a personalised approach to learning for students. The Year 7 compulsory core subjects help students to develop key skills and competencies. Students are also introduced to a number of Option courses catering for a wide range of student interests, from which they can choose to study in more depth in Year 8.
Year 7 Core Subjects
Religious Education
Humanities and Social Sciences
Health and Physical Education
Options courses
Year 7 students rotate through different Option classes throughout the year. This provides them with an opportunity to try each of the courses offered at Nagle and enables them to give everything a try. The current Option courses are:
Arts: Art, Dance, Design Graphics, Drama, Media and Music
Technologies: Computing, Design Technical Graphics, Engineering Systems, Food and Nutrition, Materials: Wood and Materials: Metals
All of our students in Year 7 also study the following courses that assists them with the adjustment to life in a Secondary School environment. ​
Ignite Skills
Reading, Engagement and Discovery (R.E.A.D)
Academic Curriculum Extension (ACE) program (Years 7 to 10)
We recognise the unique gifts and talents of all our students and seek to provide enriching extension activities for students with demonstrated academic aptitude through our ACE program. This dynamic course aims to develop students' critical and creative thinking, problem solving skills, and academic resilience. Our ACE program is design to promote curiosity and enhance students' intrinsic motivation in an academically stimulating environment. The program consists of dedicated Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) and Science extension lessons, dedicated to deep learning, creative thinking and problem solving. There is also an additional 'ACE' period per week to further equip students with academic extension skills. Entry is considered through application and review of student data.
NB: A student must first be enrolled at the College to apply for the ACE program.
How to apply: Applications will open in Term 3.
Special Instrumental Scholarship
Our Special Instrumental Scholarship (SIS) is offered to Year 7 students who show potential for learning and excelling on a chosen musical instrument. If selected, students are given the option to learn a band instrument or voice for free through the program.
How to apply: To find out more and apply click here.
Nagle Knights AFL Academy
Our Nagle Knights Australian Football League (AFL) Academy provides students who wish to pursue excellence in the sport of AFL an opportunity to further develop their footballing ability with a focus on improvement of skills and game play. The program focuses on the development of the whole child using AFL as an instrument to engage and educate students. To find out more click here.
How to apply: Applications are open, please complete the following form: Nagle Knights AFL Application Form.
How to Apply
For further information on how to enrol your child at Nagle and to download our Enrolment Pack, please refer to our Enrol at Nagle section.
Please note: All Year 7 2026 applications require the student's Year 5 Semester 2 Report and Year 5 NAPLAN Result.
Key Dates
Term 1
Week 3: Principal visits to local Catholic Primary Schools
Week 4 - Week 7: College Tours will be running on multiple dates and times during these weeks. Click here to book a tour.
Week 6: Wednesday 12 March, 5.00pm: Information Evening (College Gymnasium)
Week 10: Wednesday 9 April: Applications close (Please note: applications received after this date could be subject to a wait list)
Term 2
Week 1: Wednesday 30 April - Wednesday 7 May: Enrolment interviews open for bookings
Week 3 - Week 5: Interviews to take place (Please note interviews times run throughout the day 8:00am - 4.30pm)
Week 10: Letters of Offers sent
Term 3
Week 1: Acceptance paperwork due to be returned to the College
Week 3: Information on applying for our Academic Curriculum Extension program, Nagle Knights AFL Academy, and Special Instrumental Scholarship to be sent to families.
Term 4
Week 1: Families advised of House allocation
Week 4: Friday 7 November: Orientation Day
Week 7: Welcome Pack sent to families