SEQTA Engage
SEQTA Engage allows parents and guardians to work in partnership with the College to achieve the best outcomes for students. Families have access to:
Student assessment – due dates and results
Formally set homework
Pastoral Care/Student behaviours
Daily Notices
Important College Documents
Access on Mobile: Installing SEQTA Engage Mobile App
Access on the Web: SEQTA Engage
For technical enquiries and access, please contact Mr Oliver Murray, oliver.murray@cewa.edu.au
Pastoral Care Tracking
Some student Pastoral Care information is available via SEQTA Engage.
This can be switched on in the 'Dashboard'.
'Select Dashlets' and ensure that 'Pastoral Care' is ticked.
Details about Pastoral Records are not shown, but the count is shown for each month. For example, if a student receives a detention in February and three in March, the number '1' will show under 'F' and '3' under 'M'. The details of the detentions will not be viewable, as these are posted home.
Records viewable include:
Affirmations - positive mentions from teachers for good manners, helpfulness etc
Uniform infringements
Lunchtime detentions
Commendations - Certificates for achievements which are also sent home
Parental Notifications - Letters regarding progress which are also sent home
Device misuse - if a student has been off-task or using their iPad or laptop when not permitted to.
You may find you have questions about the information you find here. If you have questions relating to a Pastoral Care record, you are asked to contact the Head of House staff member for the student.
Head of House staff are listed on the Structure & Staff page.
Course Work and Curriculum
Many teachers have made course content available to assist with homework and study. This can also assist families to ensure that students do not fall behind during times of absence from school.
Learning materials are available under the 'Courses' tab.
If a teacher has made materials available, they can be downloaded in each course section.
Teaching staff can also make assessment results available. These are available under the 'Assessments' tab. Results are available by clicking on each course title.
Upcoming assessments are available via the 'Upcoming' tab.
You may find you have questions about the information you find here. In this instance you should contact the subject teacher or the relevant Head of Learning Area.
Teaching staff and Heads of Learning Area are listed on the Structure & Staffing page.