Camps and Trips
Our students are given many opportunities to extend their learning outside of the classroom with a range of cultural, service, language and recreational trips, held locally, interstate and overseas. These provide students with active learning through fun and rewarding personal challenges in different and often beautiful surroundings.
Cultural Awareness Camps
Cultural Awareness Camps provide students with an opportunity to connect with the land, grow in cultural awareness, and develop respect for Australia's first people.
Language Trips
Language Trips provide a unique cultural experience allowing students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the language and culture of a foreign country.
Service Trips
Service Trips empower students to make a positive impact on the lives and communities of others less fortunate. As part of the Endeavour Leadership Program, Year 11 students participate in an overseas immersion pilgrimage.
Sporting Trips
All students have the opportunity to be selected to participate in a number of Australian & Catholic Colleges of WA (ACC) Carnivals. The carnivals provide students the opportunity to develop their skills whilst representing their school in a variety of sports. Year 11 students also have the option to go on the Gold Coast Netball trip held in the July school holidays.