Bring Your Own Device
Nagle Catholic College has a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program for all students enrolled at the College. To assist families with purchasing the correct device, The College has recently partnered with Localworks (Formerly Office National) to create a bundle of devices that work with the College's I.T. infrastructure and can be purchased at a discounted rate for students.
Purchasing through Localworks also includes accidental damage cover, instore warranty and repair assistance, a loan laptop program for extended repairs and financing options. You are quite welcome to contact Localworks directly for terms and conditions.
Please note, purchasing a device through Localworks is not compulsory. You are welcome to source a device at your own discretion.
To order through Localworks, please use one of the following options:
Visit in-store: 70, Chapman Rd, Geraldton. Note: All devices are on display in store
Call on 9964 1919
Email Nagle@localworks.com.au
Families who already have a device or wish to purchase elsewhere must ensure their devices meet the following criteria:
Windows Laptop Only, No MacBooks, iPads or Chromebooks.
x86-64 CPU Architecture (ARM devices will not work)
8 Hours of Battery Life
5Ghz Wi-Fi
College Software and Setup.
The College runs a system that will automatically setup your student device upon first login. Students are required to login to their computers with their school account for this setup to work. Students' school accounts will be sent out via SMS prior to their start date or can be requested if required sooner by contacting the College.
The College has subscriptions and licenses for all products required, this includes Office365 and an Anti-Virus product.