​The Kirsty Crowe Bursary is named after Kirsty Crowe, who was an Aboriginal woman and teacher, who died tragically young. Kirsty had a fine reputation as a teacher in Geraldton and was committed to the ideals of education for young people.  

​This Bursary is provided to assist eligible Aboriginal students to attend Nagle Catholic College.

​For a student to be accepted for this Bursary, they must demonstrate a positive academic standing through their School Reports. Their application should also be accompanied by a recommendation from their current school Principal. Generally, for a family to be considered for this Bursary, the family needs to hold a Health Care Card/Pensioner Concession Card.

​Depending upon individual circumstances, a student may receive support in one or more of the following areas for a specific period of time.

  • Enrolment and Acceptance Fees exemption

  • Building Levy exemption

  • Provision of uniform

  • Provision of text books

  • Provision of BYOD

  • Subject fees exemption

  • Tuition fee discount

  • Tuition fee exemption

  • Boarding fee co-payment exemption

  • Boarding residential fee payment

Families are eligible to re-apply for a continuation of a Bursary during the second year of funding.

Note 1:  The allocation of any benefit will only take place once all other eligible assistance from external agencies has been sourced.
Note 2:  Payment of non-compulsory school activities is not included in any form in any Bursary.
​Generally, applications need to be submitted to the College, with supporting documentation, by 31 August, in the preceding year.
​Please click here for the Application Form.